HWS Adoption Application

Thank you for considering sharing your home with a hedgehog!

Please keep in mind that we will not always have hedgehogs available for adoption in your area. If this is the case, we will keep your adoption application on file for future reference and notify you should a hedgehog need a new home in your area.

NOTE: It is illegal to have a hedgehog in California, Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Washington DC and all the boroughs of New York City. In other areas, you may need a permit to have one, so please check with your local city/county.

Keep in mind that it is the policy of The Hedgehog Welfare Society NOT to adopt to anyone under the age of 21 (no exceptions).

NOTE:  The HWS does this as a service and does not charge for adoptions or relinquishments (although we always accept donations).  The only exception to this would be if the hedgehog is in the care of one of the HWS Rescue Facilities.  We do allow them to charge up to a $100 rehoming fee to cover some of their expenses while the hedgehog was in their care (vet bills, travel to pick up or deliver, etc.).  An individual giving up their hedgehog cannot charge you for it.  We can`t assume that cages, wheels or any other equipment comes with the hedgehog, so you can negotiate that, but it is not part of the adoption.

Please fill out the application below. YOU MUST CLICK/PRESS the Large Green "SUBMIT FORM" button at the bottom left of this page in order to send us the information you input on this form. If you do not click the Submit Form button, we do not receive anything. As of March 6th 2023, the sender (YOU) will receive a confirmation email (Subject Line = "HWS - Adoption Sent") when the Large Green "Submit Form" button at the bottom has been pressed/submited.

We strongly suggest you join the Hedgehog Welfare online discussion group to find out about available rescues and to keep updated on hedgehog care. Please join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hedgehogwelfare/ You are also encouraged to join the Hedgehog Welfare Society by going to "Become a Member".

Yes      No

Rent      Own
Yes      No

YOU MUST CLICK/PRESS the Large Green "SUBMIT FORM" button above
in order to send us the information you input on this form.
